I am a Digital Designer and Producer, working chiefly with web, video, animation and illustration. I combine visual design skills, digital fluency and technical knowhow with an extensive background in media.

At the core of my work is who I’m creating for. Perhaps you see them as: audience, customers, students, consumers, end users, or some combination of these. I think of them every day, in every project I take on.

I remember my first design job: a scientific diagram of a fish, with the body parts labelled. The project began as a classroom exercise, which I completed fairly quickly. Some of my classmates liked what I had done, and before I knew it there was a queue forming and I was working on their diagrams too. I was nine years old.

It was some time before I followed up with formal study in design. In the meantime, I followed another very strong calling and became a journalist, working for ABC News and Current Affairs and SBS Radio for several years.

The desire for a more creative and flexible working life prompted my move from journalism to graphic design, digital media production and illustration. I have more than 25 years experience in media and visual communication, including digital design. That’s right: I see visual design as communication.

Right now, I am employed as a Digital Producer and Elearning Designer with the University of Tasmania. In any given week I can be producing motion graphics or live action education videos, illustrating (often very technical) concepts for learning modules, creating interactive web content for micro-learning activities, or collaborating and advising colleagues and industry partners on best practice in design and delivery of online content for adult learners.

Clients I have worked with include:

Symphony Australia

Tasmanian Electoral Office



Medicines Australia

IP Australia

IPONZ (Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand)

IPM Safety

Zoos Victoria

Berry Street

Tasmanian Department of Education

Tasmanian Department of State Growth

Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet

Kaigi Conferencing and Events

Conference Logistics

Dental Hygienists Association of Australia

TADTas (Technical Aids for the Disabled Tasmania)


Disability Care Australia

Hobart Optometry

Ecological Society of Australia

Pew Environment Group Australia


Conservation Council of Western Australia

The Freelance Collective

Dr Richard Eccleston, Political Scientist

Jude Graveson, Textile Artist